Exploratory Focus

What Is STAGE?
Exploratory Focus
Work Process

Some key ideas behind the process of creating new work in the STAGE lab are:

  • New Methods of Investigation, Inspired by the Scientific Process: The exploratory nature of experimental science and STAGE’s work process are both iterative processes that require a) imagination and b) embracing failure as an integral, critical component. In the STAGE lab researchers and collaborators find the story through collective research and collaborative play. New ideas are generated and investigated, with continuous feedback. The most powerful material that emerges is explored in greater detail and eventually makes its way into the final script. Ample time and space are afforded for experimentation and research.
  • Scientists and Artists Share a Laboratory: Scientists and artists are together in the same room, at the same time, collectively engaged in the creation of these theatrical works.
  • Technology as Storyteller: Technology is used in performance to help tell the story.
  • A Cinematic Approach: How does the language of filmmaking translate to the stage as a means of storytelling?

Detailed information about our work process may be found here.

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